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Child-sized heart technology

myPatch is the only paediatric and neonate Holter, for superior cardiac monitoring in children.

Frequently utilized by most of our customers, this service has been essential to success on many occasions. When it comes to all of our services, you can count on us to take care of your every need. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service, and guarantee you’ll love working with our team. Let us know how we can assist you today.

Kids are free to move and play without limits. The specially designed electrode and ultra-lightweight device allows for everyday activities, like bathing, while delivering the highest quality data and unmatched compliance in children.

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Better results for your youngest heart patients

Designed to yield more accurate results with the freedom of getting on with the family’s everyday activities.

myPatch features:

  • Multi-channel - 2 channel neonate and up to 3 channel paediatric recording

  • Lightweight -  Wireless 25gm device for greater comfort

  • Waterproof - IP rated 68 to allow for bathing as normal

  • Continuous record -  Up to 14 days on 2 channels and 9 days on 3 channels

  • No battery recharge - For the entire testing period

  • Event alert -  Easy double-tap alert function for kids or carers able to recognise symptoms 

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A myPatch Holter test could save your life

​Knowing the risks is the first step to preventing a heart attack or stroke.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. Those  most at risk include anyone with a family history of heart disease, or from combined lifestyle factors like, being overweight, lack of exercise and poor diet. People over 50 also have an elevated risk.

Common symptoms of heart problems

  • Irregular heartbeat 

  • Regular dizziness

  • Unexplained fainting

  • Chest discomfort

Neonate | Paediatric | Adult: Services
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Neonate | Paediatric | Adult: Image
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